How To Help Your Trees Survive The Summer Heat

How To Help Your Trees Survive The Summer Heat

How to Assist a Tree in Fighting Summer Issues Summer presents several problems to trees, ranging from extreme heat and drought to assault by other living creatures. Many things are beyond our control, yet we can do a lot to aid our trees. Watering and providing...
What Is Soil Fertility and Why Is It Important?

What Is Soil Fertility and Why Is It Important?

What Is Soil Fertility, and Why Does It Matter? When caring for trees, we often focus our efforts on what we can see: the canopy. Pruning is an important tool to manage trees, but ignoring what’s happening below ground is leaving out half the picture. Tree roots are...
The Pruning and Care Young Mature Trees

The Pruning and Care Young Mature Trees

The Art of Pruning Young and Mature Trees Ever since the agricultural revolution, humans have been pruning trees. While the tools and techniques have changed, the underlying purpose has remained the same: we’ve needed to tame nature. Pruning was originally used to...
Why Trees Don’t Freeze in Winter

Why Trees Don’t Freeze in Winter

Why Don’t Trees Freeze? Outdoor winter temperatures in the Portland area regularly fall below the fresh water freezing temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Although we can generate our own heat by burning calories, without the protection of warm clothes or shelter,...
Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About Forest

Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About Forest

Most people know that forests are important for the environment, but there are many other facts about forests that are less well-known. For example, did you know that forests cover 30% of the world’s land surface? Or that there are more than 3 trillion trees on Earth?...
How To Fight A Tree Summer Issues

How To Fight A Tree Summer Issues

Fighting a tree in the summer can be tough. The heat and humidity can sap your strength, and the insect population is at its peak. However, there are a few things you can do to give yourself an advantage. First, try to fight in the early morning or evening when it’s...
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