Arborist Trunk Wrapping—Everything You Need to Know

Arborist Trunk Wrapping—Everything You Need to Know

Arborist Trunk Wrapping—Everything You Need to Know As a homeowner, you may have noticed arborists wrapping the trunks of certain trees on your street and wondered what exactly they were doing. Do the trees need a cozy winter blanket? Are the arborists just trying to...
The Best Time to Transplant a Pine Tree

The Best Time to Transplant a Pine Tree

One of the most common questions we get is when is the best time to transplant a pine tree?” While the answer may seem obvious (hint: it’s in the name), there are actually a few different factors to consider before moving your pine tree to its new home. In...
Why Tree Trimming is So Important – And Expensive

Why Tree Trimming is So Important – And Expensive

Most people think of tree trimming as a purely cosmetic exercise. While it’s true that trimmed trees look better than untrimmed trees, the truth is that there are many other reasons why tree trimming is so important. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at...
Why Trees Don’t Freeze in Winter

Why Trees Don’t Freeze in Winter

Why Don’t Trees Freeze? Outdoor winter temperatures in the Portland area regularly fall below the fresh water freezing temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Although we can generate our own heat by burning calories, without the protection of warm clothes or shelter,...
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